Friday, September 16, 2005

What would Nelson say?

If there was ever one piece of modern art that was in the wrong place, this was it. It's not the subject matter I object to but the fact that Trafalgar Square does not seem a fitting place. And it is only going to be there for eighteen months, so why don't they plonk it outside the Tate Modern.

Obviously this sculpture has been erected to appease the PC crowd. Surely it should be an image of a handicapped, black, Muslim, lesbian, vegetarian who enjoys field sports and looking after her several children alone whilst living off benefit in her council flat.

Or am I just being a cynical old bastard?


Grizzly Mama said...

Not cynical at all. This is one of the silliest things I've run across recently. It had me laughing my ass off over at ATW - but then I was accused of not being sensitive to mean the disabled.

krip said...

Yeah, I cannot get my head around this 'modern' art.

krip said...

I agree 100%.

GaffaUK said...

What's 'modern' about this sculpture? Although it is scaled up it uses realistic proportions from the model.

Or is it the subject matter?

wonkotsane said...

You're not being cynical at all. The woman's got guts (if only she had balls it would be even more PC) and fair enough that someone has made a statue of her but Trafalger Square? No. This is wrong. Trafalgar Square is supposed to have statues of heroes on it and I'm sorry but she doesn't fit the bill.

krip said...

gaffauk: It was the subject matter I was referring to.
wonkotsane: Too true. There is a place for everything and this 'aint it.
gavin: It's because we ARE a PC land that it is there in the first place

GaffaUK said...

The plinth was originally supposed to be for King William IV. Was he a hero?

I blame the Victorians - if you don't use it then you lose it...