Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What the Dickens.............

Yes it's that time of year again, whereupon several normally sane and upstanding citizens of these fair towns decide to dress up as characters from the books of Charles Dickens.
His association with the City of Rochester is well documented and our local council try to cash in on his popularity by organizing the Dickens Festival.
There's a small fair the likes of us fifty somethings remember. You know, Hoop La, Coconut Shy, Crooked House etc. Lots of craft stalls and the ubiquitous burgers and hot dogs stinking the atmosphere out.
Several events go on through the day e.g. readings from Dickens and some scenes played out by the local 'am dram' groups and of course there is the Grand Parade. Over a hundred people with a couple of pipe/brass bands thrown in makes for a stirring sight indeed.
But really, that is it. After a couple of hours, despite the fair weather, we had had enough and legged it back home.


Jennytc said...

Oh great, you're back! Welcome.:)

krip said...

Thanks for hanging in there JT. Like a bad smell, I am never far away.