Saturday, September 08, 2007

Who needs football?

Oh what joy to behold.

'Les Bleus' got their arses whipped by the Argies.

Isn't it refreshing to watch grown men acting like such.

No histrionics when injured.

Respecting and talking, not screaming, to the referee.

No cheating..........

No views of 'WAGS' posing for the cameras

Fans of both sides sitting together without taking lumps out of each other and the piece de resistance is the complete lack of foul language from players and fans alike.

Who needs football?

Am I looking forward to the rest of this World Cup.


Silverback said...

I agree with every line - except the penultimate one as sadly, I DO need football.

Mind you, there is almost too much of it on telle now with up to 15 live games a weekend but then I leave the country for 6 months and can't wait to see a game again.

Rugby Union just doesn't do it for me but I hope you enjoy the World Cup.


krip said...

I'm in the same boat. What would I do if I couldn't moan about my beloved West Ham?
Live games on the telly are the only way I can afford to watch a live match. I shall probably treat myself to one game this season, if I can arrange a second mortgage.